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At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. 本周我们将与创始人Sankar Santhanaraman进行对话 & Managing Director at Ticking Minds based in Greater Manchester.

What does your organisation do? 

We provide Digital Quality Engineering Services, that helps in strengthening and assessing businesses’ digital operational resilience; and enabling them to offer seamless user experience to their customers throughout their customer life cycle journey. 我们在整个开发周期中独立验证应用程序/平台,并为客户的数字服务或产品的整体增强提供投入. 

我们的服务可以帮助企业进行数字化转型,包括技术迁移, or data migration. 我们确保在面对任何技术逆境时,转型仍然具有弹性. 


  • Banking and Financial Sector
  • Fintech
  • Healthcare
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Supply Chain Management    
  • EduTech 
  • Travel and Hospitality

What motivated you to expand your business to the UK? 

过去,我们与英国许多知名企业有过合作. In fact, about 35 – 40% of our clientele are from UK alone. Now, with the advent of the GDPR Guidelines, 我们尊重企业的数据隐私和为了更大利益而施加给他们的限制(尤其是外包). Therefore, we have brought our services to their doorstep. 因此,重新点燃了我们过去与客户合作的机会,并将服务扩展到其他潜在客户, as well. 



首先,我们永远不会马上进入验证阶段. 我们总是从三个主要角度来分析一切——技术角度, business perspective, and end-user perspective. This allows us to strategise the entire process right away; to identify and pin-point any requirement or process gaps that are in existence. 在一开始就确定这些事情可以通过消除将来可能出现的任何返工来加快周转时间, minimises failure points, 由于缺陷的早期识别和纠正,确保最终产品无故障,质量一流. 

Above all, 我们确保我们所有的活动都符合行业法规和最佳实践. 不用说,它包括保护数据完整性和隐私. 

What sets your company culture apart?

我们一直奉行开放的文化政策,无论是对客户还是对所有员工. We believe in hiring the right talents for the job, not just in terms of qualification, but a larger emphasise is given to the right attitude. After all, we can always teach skills but not the attitude. 

我们相信本组织的整体和包容性发展. 因此,我们不仅关注公司的财务收益,也关注员工的职业发展, for they are the backbone of this business. 这都是一个不断学习,忘记和再学习的问题. 


对大多数小企业来说,与顶级IT服务机构竞争并不容易 & medium sized IT service providers in India. Most of the time, 最具挑战性的任务落在小公司的身上,“滴答心灵”也不例外. 

我们已经自动化了最复杂的测试场景,以英国为基础的出租车聚合, 以创造性的方式为英国一家金融科技公司的复杂性能测试场景进行了性能测试,  etc. 

Our biggest successes have been that 




当谈到计算机领域的技术进步时,英国一直是热床. 即使在今天,英国在推出量子计算方面也一直处于世界领先地位. 

滴答心灵一直是采用新技术的先驱,以高效和有效的方式向客户提供服务. 有机会与一些世界领先的银行合作, FinTechs, Insurance companies, Utility services, Healthcare organisations etc. 总是令人兴奋,并提出自己的挑战来应对.  


Thank you Sankar!

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