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十大网博靠谱平台数字,我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Rasha El-Shirbini, founder of Social Jaguar. Rasha is also Marketing Director at Qalhata Technologies where they specialise in Data Analysis, Cyber Security and RPA. Rasha在零售、科技、快速消费品和金融领域拥有超过12年的营销经验.  

What does your organisation do?

Social Jaguar是一家新兴的营销策略和沟通咨询公司, born in a ‘new normal’, specialising in the retail, tech and creative sectors. My aim is to empower clients in this marketing jungle! 我利用技术、数据和人类的理解,在噪音中找到了一条路径. All to help my clients reach those ‘ah ha!’ moments and create effective campaigns.       

在当前的环境下,企业正在转向保持竞争力,并希望在客户心目中保持“领先地位”. I understand this, and work with marketing directors, business leaders and agencies, 制定明确的战略和创造性的营销解决方案,使他们保持领先地位. As a trusted partner, I provide insights to help shape creative campaigns, 确保我们的客户掌握有关其受众的强大知识,以便他们能够继续与客户建立牢固的关系.  


我真诚地认为隐私和道德是科技行业(以及整个社会)面临的最重要的问题。. 我们比以往任何时候都更需要数字化,而且数字化正以相对指数级的速度增长. The tech sector however, 一直在处理敏感的争论,比如隐私之间的平衡, and knowing too much, to better serve a customer. 

Conversations such as these, will intensify as society adjusts. For example, Google announced that for 2022, 第三方cookie将停止在互联网上跟踪用户. 他们的想法是,他们用他们所谓的信任令牌来代替这些. Other browser providers are also looking to go this way. 

Apart from having to review privacy policies affected, a consequence of the aforementioned change, 这意味着在这种情况发生之前,新的和创新的数字营销策略需要到位. 因此,拥有战略营销合作伙伴(如Social Jaguar)将有助于确保快速无缝转变的原因就显而易见了.  

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

Social Jaguar在这一领域还很新,但我对我们最近为数字客户所做的工作感到非常自豪, mainly in the legal and tech sectors. 这包括为他们的受众提供关键的见解,并帮助他们规划一个路线图,以吸引流量到他们的网站. Another larger project we are stoked about, 是一个意大利奢侈品牌的项目,计划进入阿拉伯市场. 我们提供了有价值的客户见解和分阶段的营销计划来执行扩张. Watch this space as we push for even bigger achievements.

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge? 

Our biggest challenge is most likely shared with many others, 我们确实怀念与客户见面、亲自社交以及参加活动的时光. Also, as a start up, 我们仍在完善我们的服务,努力为客户提供他们需要的服务. For example, 我们正在为一些客户执行社交媒体项目,并为其他客户执行打入新市场的策略. 

我们的梦想是成为一个更大但更灵活的机构,拥有强大的战略后盾, 数据和技术随时准备帮助我们的客户过渡到我们面前的“银翼杀手”的未来. For now though, 我喜欢在社交捷豹中成为精品和独特的品牌,并为未来的旅程感到兴奋.   


Very bright, 我认为十大网博靠谱平台市已经做出了许多战略选择,以确保它在科技领域取得成功. Recently, Manchester was announced as Europe’s fastest growing tech hub, drawing in over £500m in venture capital funding last year, putting it ahead of Cambridge. My oracles suggest things can only be upward and forward. Afterall, with a rich maritime history, Manchester is quite adept at adjusting her Sails to suit the winds.

Tell us something that we might not know about your company?

除了提供营销服务和策略外,我们还提供眼动追踪见解(Jaguar Eye Q) to help clients understand their audiences on a deeper level. 这个过程消除了判断创意概念和设计的一些主观性. 通过评估哪种设计更能吸引客户的视觉注意力资源,帮助客户挖掘客户的潜意识. We do this with live focus groups and also for a speedier service, 我们提供人工智能解决方案,预测哪些创意视觉将产生最大的影响. 最近,我们的工作和研究围绕着确定客户是否对他们面前的媒体有情绪反应展开. 想象一下,如果你能确定你所创造的数字广告将会给你带来更高的点击率? 这是我们为客户结合技术、创造力和洞察力的地方. 

Thank you Rasha!

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