
Adobe 正式 巩固品牌 of Magento Commerce and Adobe商务 Cloud to the single brand of Adobe商务 earlier this year. Adobe商务 is the leading eCommerce platform for medium to large enterprises, 谁会对此感到惊讶呢? 这是健壮的, 有良好的业绩记录,最重要的是, 达到了你的目标, 不管你的商业目标有多大. 然而, Adobe商务 不是初学者的电子商务解决方案. If we’re talking in terms of SMEs, it would sit firmly at the ME end of the spectrum. 

The native range of functionality that Adobe商务 offers can easily handle most of the challenges you’ll face when growing your business. 如果你是制造商或批发商, 你一定会欣赏它的广泛性, 自助服务和本地B2B功能, 因为您需要考虑定制 目录, 分级定价, 报价, 公司的信用, 以及客户的审批流程.

If 直接面向消费者(D2C) 你还没注意到,但应该注意到. The high street is in a state of flux, which means you need to get your brand closer to the consumer. Adobe原生支持D2C 模型, 最重要的是, 如果你有多个B2B网站, D2C或B2C业务, 您可以在Adobe商务的同一个实例中运行它们.

同样, 想想你对子品牌的其他要求, 国别的差异, 语言变化……Adobe商务处理所有这些变化, allowing you to seamlessly manage and report on all fronts from a central interface. This is often more of a convoluted process where other eCommerce platforms are concerned, 比如Shopify和BigCommerce.

但尽管Adobe商务可以说是 最强大的, 完全实现了所有电子商务平台的功能集, 它确实有一些局限性. 多年来,PushON一直致力于复杂的网站建设, we’ve had countless clients asking for a particular feature that would support their D2C business model but isn’t available as a core asset. Don’t let that put you off though – there are countless extensions and tools that can be easily integrated with Adobe商务 to achieve your goals.


啊,不错的旧邮件. 你赚钱的重量级解决方案. 它可能已经存在很长时间了, but this only proves how effective it is for making eCommerce work for a business. The hardest job in eCommerce is getting someone to make that first transaction, and emails are your best bet for improving conversion and building brand loyalty.

让电子邮件为你的业务工作, 有几个关键因素需要考虑, 数据是操作的核心. 仔细选择您的营销自动化平台. 允许您实时交付的平台, behaviour-based活动, with a 1-2-1 relationship between customer and email content – such as an abandoned basket journey – will ultimately lead to higher conversion rates. Segment your customers intelligently based on their characteristics and aim to enhance your data through preference forms.

你所做的一切, aim to be as personalised as you can and show your customers you care about what they want.

Our top recommended platforms do everything you need and more – here are the market leaders to use in tandem with Adobe商务:

Dotdigital – a fantastically well-run business that offers plenty of support and integrates perfectly with Adobe商务. 它是一个完整的营销自动化平台,所以它有很多东西可以提供.

Klaviyo -企业对Klaviyo 保持忠诚是有原因的, 这是因为没有多少东西是万能的, 完全的营销自动化平台是不行的.


正如你所料, Adobe商务具有出色的本地搜索功能, Elasticsearch, 许多大流量网站使用的是哪一种. 就在今年,我们看到了Live Search的推出 Adobe唤醒,  which delivers a lightning-fast, super relevant, and intuitive search experience.

On-site search is possibly one of the most useful tools you can have in your eCommerce armoury. 最基本的形式, it needs to help your customer quickly find what they are looking for and present it to them to buy. 棘手的是 人们倾向于以不同的方式 搜索, 使用不同的单词和短语, 都是为了同一件事.

A search tool that automatically understands what the customer wants and can present it to themas well as offering viable alternatives takes some expertise. 除了Adobe商务内置的功能, 有一些优秀的第三方服务可以帮助你做到这一点.

Klevu – undoubtedly a market leader in the sector and one of PushON’s top recommendations. 另外,他们是一群可爱的人, 总能帮上忙! 我们从一开始就和他们合作, 尽管他们在成长, 他们的创始人仍然很乐意接听我们的电话.

Algolia -一个可靠的解决方案,拥有几个方便的功能, Algolia完全做到了它在罐头上所说的-难怪它如此受欢迎.


我们看到的一个巨大增长领域是PIM. It’s another valid extension of core eCommerce functionality because it is so powerful. Process-driven management of your product information is more valuable than you probably imagine.

拥有高质量, detailed content supporting your inventory not only helps your eCommerce website look good, but also allows those products to be found by customers and ensures that you have a good opportunity to address their needs in the lead up to purchase.


Akeneo -首批与Adobe商务合作的PIM平台之一, Akeneo对此了如指掌, 这使得它们非常可靠.

Pimberly -我们喜欢一家十大网博靠谱平台公司, but Pimberly boasts a lot more than just its Northern roots – it’s a well-built platform with a clear focus on doing PIM magnificently.


口口相传. 可信的建议. 评论不仅仅是预期的, but they are also actively searched for – it’s the feedback from previous purchasers that help to guide and encourage a customer to purchase. 重要的不仅仅是你的品牌, though – the provider that you use to display your reviews also brings your brand credibility.

Trustpilot - Trustpilot上的5颗星现在是企业信誉的标志, 这要感谢将数字评论提升到一个全新水平的企业.

Feefo - another well-considered and well-managed package that resonates with consumers around the world.


OMS and WMSs are more important than ever – if you can’t meet your customers’ expectations by giving them up-to-date stock information, 他们只会去别的地方. And who can blame them, when there’s a whole market full of competitors who can deliver the goods?

你的库存是否在你的仓库里, 商店或其他第三方地点, efficient management is the most certain way to keep your cashflow in good order – and as we all know, 现金(流量)为王.

Brightpearl - a market-leading operations platform with one of the most expansive feature sets around. 此外,Brightpearl在范围和能力上都是国际化的. 请阅读我们的客座博客,详细介绍如何做到这一点 通过PushON和Brightpearl简化您的销售流程

Linnworks -拥有广泛的功能集在一个合理的价格, Linnworks is geared to take eCommerce business on board from a very early stage.


电子商务可能是你 业务的未来, 但这需要一些计划, which includes having the right skills in place to not only understand the functionality but to be able to use it well. 技术是人的推动者, 所以,你一定要找到好的,并照顾好它们, 它们将帮助你的事业取得成功. They are the greatest means by which you can extend your eCommerce capability. To find out how PushON can kick start, revitalise or overhaul your eCommerce strategy, 立即十大网博靠谱平台!

