
启动审查 & 激活器启动-综述

Manchester Digital hosted their 启动审查 and Activator Launch on Thursday 7th December 2023, 为创业公司提供对当前形势的洞察, advice from founders at various stages of the startup process and a preview of some of the upcoming startup support the organisation is set to offer in 2024.

第1号活动.1 Circle Square吸引了一群创业公司的创始人, 当地科技行业的投资者和其他参与者. 

抓住机会建立关系网, Manchester Digital's managing director Katie Gallagher got proceedings underway as she unveiled highlights from the new 启动审查 report, a piece of research Manchester Digital have undertaken on behalf of the sector which outlines the current state of play for early startups and founders in a region.

对于创业公司来说,这是艰难的几年, 抚养孩子比以往任何时候都要困难, 所以值得盘点一下,看看十大网博靠谱平台有什么可买的, 我们做得好的地方和需要改进的地方. 你可以下载你的报告副本 在这里.

The 启动审查 provides an overview of what Manchester does well, and what it still needs. 

Next up, we had a vibrant panel discussion hosted by Ben Davies (Group Marketing Director at Praetura合资企业 十大网博靠谱平台数字公司董事会成员). 与他一起出席的还有保罗·博德曼(导演) 西北网络安全集群 & UKC3), Kate Longworth(首席执行官) 盖亚学习)和Rakesh Maharaj(公司创始人) Armsa学院),他们分享了自己不同的创业经历.

小组左至右:本·戴维斯(Praetura合资企业),保罗·博德曼(NWCSC) & UKC3), Kate Longworth (盖亚学习) and Rakesh Maharaj (Armsa学院)

The conversation began with a discussion around the benefits of bootstrapping versus raising. 这个小组主要是从自主创业的角度出发的, 提出了一些有趣的观点:

  • Paul: “We were bootstrapped and didn’t get funding, with a couple of reasons for that. 我们想保留所有的股权,在退出时获得更多的回报. +, 我们的工作是围绕业务服务展开的, 所以我们有一个很好的途径来带来收入并维持它.”
  • Kate: “Bootstrapping keeps you connected to your customers and on the ground with what you’re trying to achieve. 因为我们处在这样一个竞争激烈的环境中(在线学习), 我们根本无法以我们想要的速度进行引导.
  • Rakesh: “If you want to be a master tightrope walker, you will bootstrap! It’s a great way to understand all the functions of your business in a way you simply couldn’t otherwise. 这是一个很好的成熟机会, but at some point you get to the stage w在这里 your capacity is working to the detriment of your product.”

凭借他在Praetura合资企业的经验, Ben pointed out that t在这里 is still money out t在这里 for those looking to raise, 但它的来源应该是正确的. 寻找投资者就像一场婚姻, and chances are you’re going to be working with them for a long time so it’s important you have a positive working relationship.

Kate explained how she had turned down an investor because it just didn’t feel right, 相信自己的直觉很重要.

Kate Longworth, CEO of 盖亚学习, provides insights on her founder journey so far.

接下来是在西北部发展业务, all of the panellists agreed that this is a great place to start your business. 

  • Paul:“我们在索尔福德的MediaCity发展业务, and the amount of talent available in the region was one of the main factors behind choosing that location. We didn’t see as many ecosystems or support networks around back in 2014, 如果现在能得到这样的支持就太好了.
  • Kate: “I’m a huge fan of accelerator programmes and wish I could spend more time in communities like this. Organisations like Manchester Digital being on hand to support startups is essential”.

说到阻碍创业的因素, 该小组一致认为,缺乏教育是一个主要因素. Kate explained how t在这里 is a lot of assumed knowledge around access to funding and grants.


“If you’re not prepared to roll with the punches it will grind you down. It’s very important to equip yourself with the knowledge and appreciate the complexity of the journey ahead. Know the motives of your investors and have trusted advisors to hand who can help guide you.”

The panel concluded with a look ahead to 2024 and what was exciting our founders. 

For Rakesh, it was about securing the support of an investor who meets the profile they have set out. They are at the forefront of a rapidly growing renewable energies market, 这是一个获得全球关注的真正机会.

Kate said that her hopes for next year included plenty of new customers and to create a world first learning hub, confident that the world needs the solution that 盖亚学习 have got.

最后, for Paul his hope was that some of the various startups he’s met through different programmes achieve lasting success. Ben agreed on this note, with a hope that we’ll see more breakout business from the region. 5000万英镑的退出越多,我们看到的生态系统就越好.

Michael Hill, Head of Operations at Manchester Digital, introduces the 启动激活

结束下午, Manchester Digital's Head of Operations Michael Hill launched the exciting new 启动激活 programme coming in 2024, 这是为了推动更多的本地创业公司走向成功. 

The programme will provide early stage founders with an overview of the landscape across Greater Manchester and the support available, 为创业公司提供蓬勃发展所需的所有知识和资源.

If you’d like to register your interest in taking part in the programme, 点击这里.

Whilst the landscape is certainly more challenging than it was a few years ago, the future still looks bright for Greater Manchester's startups and Manchester Digital is 在这里 to help them harness the power they need to succeed.

