

Talent Day is the largest digital and tech career fair in the North, 让学生, 毕业生, jobseekers and career changers the chance to meet some of Greater Manchester's leading digital and tech businesses.

This year's event will take place on Wednesday 7th February at 布里奇沃特大厅 and is a must attend for anybody hoping to get ahead in the industry.

还没拿到票呢? 您可以通过下面的链接预订您的免费位置.

已经订了? Read on to find out what to expect on the day and the best ways to prepare to ensure you get the very most out of this fantastic opportunity.



A range of Greater Manchester’s leading digital and tech employers and training providers will be exhibiting, looking to meet the next generation of talent - as well as advertising some of their current vacancies.

Exhibitors will span the breadth of Manchester’s digital and tech sector, and you can expect to find career opportunities in development, 数字营销, 项目管理, 设计, 用户体验等等. 

你可以看看今年的参展商名单 在这里.

You’ll have the opportunity to speak to these businesses directly - finding out more about them, 他们的价值观和机会, as well as having the opportunity to sell yourself and build your network.

除了, t在这里 will be employer led seminars delivered by our sponsors Auto Trader, Tracsis, BAE系统公司数字智能, 候选人将有机会参观我们的简历诊所.


  • 确保你知道你的东西! 研究一下哪些企业会参展,他们做什么. You'll make a much better impression on them if you come prepared knowing what their business does. We’ll send you a list of the attending companies before the event, or you can browse them 在这里
  • You may wish to make a list of priority businesses that you definitely want to speak to on the day, but keep an open mind and speak to a few that you may not have heard of before or were naturally drawn to - you never know w在这里 it could lead!
  • Prepare questions that demonstrate your interest in the companies you wish to speak to on the day and think about how the companies would benefit from employing you. 这是你真正从人群中脱颖而出的机会!
  • Prepare and practice a career elevator pitch that will introduce yourself to potential employers and make the right impression. 
  • 更新和修改你的简历, and make sure you have printed enough copies to hand to businesses on the day. Think about how you can demonstrate your skills and interests you have as well as your qualifications. 同时也要记得表现出对这个行业的热情! If you want some tips on setting up your CV, watch this video.
  • 注册了一个LinkedIn/X账号? 确保网站上的信息是最新的, include on your CV and follow/connect with the companies that interest you.


  • 看看谁在参展,做一些调查. 
  • Have an update to data copy of your CV ready to so you can apply for the roles online at the soonest opportunities
  • 准备好问题. 想想什么对你来说是有用的. Questions may come from your research or be general that you could ask multiple employers
  • 做你自己
  • 没有一个问题是愚蠢的



  • 布里奇沃特大厅 is conveniently located just a short walk from St Peter's Square in Manchester city centre, 公共汽车很容易到达, 电车和火车. T在这里 are plenty of parking options nearby if you wish to drive in.
  • 离大厅最近的停车场是Q-Park, NCP十大网博靠谱平台中心, NCP大北部和NCP牛津街. 所有这些都是可以访问的.
  • 这一活动将在当天张贴好告示.
  • 人才日将于上午10点至下午4点开放. Please stick to your allocated slot so that we don't get overcrowded at certain times during the day.
  • 着装得体. 而你不需要穿得职业化, remember that first impressions can count for a lot so it’s important that you are presentable!
  • Be pro-active - approach businesses confidently, sell yourself and ask questions. 
  • 在与企业交谈时,使用电梯游说. 要有好奇心,有吸引力,并表现出一些激情! Businesses will want to see some enthusiasm and remember, competition will be fierce.
  • 还记得, it doesn’t hurt to approach a few businesses that you haven’t heard of before or who don’t naturally jump out at you - it’s important to keep an open mind and your dream job could turn up somew在这里 unexpected.
  • Make sure you remember recruiters’ names and get their contact details. Don’t be afraid to make notes on a notepad or on your phone after you’ve spoken to businesses.
  • Be open to the advice that you will receive from prospective employers or recruiters, it may open up new opportunities or roles that you hadn’t considered before.
  • 分享 your experiences across your socials, using the hashtag # MDTalentDay.


跟进与你交谈过的企业, even if it’s as simple as sending a note to thank them for their time. If you said you would send them any additional information then make sure you do so within a day or two.

Keep up to date with what is happening in the industry and with the companies you spoke to. 你可以在LinkedIn和X上关注他们, or sign up to the Manchester Digital newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news, 整个行业的活动和工作. 

你还没订到才艺日的位置呢? 现在通过下面的链接预订. 


