
Six steps to developing a B2B销售 strategy

b2b sales strategy steps breakdown

This is true across the board. 从建筑工地, which require a blueprint to guide the building process, 给你们的销售部门, which need an outline explaining how to achieve set goals. 

When it comes to B2B销售, 战略更为重要,因为销售周期更耗时,涉及更多的决策者和接触点. So how do you kickstart your B2B销售 strategy? And what information needs to be included anyway? 


What is a B2B销售 strategy?

Let’s start with the foundations. 商业对商业或 B2B销售 is a transaction between two companies. It can involve raw materials, finished goods or services such as software, hardware or professional services.

A B2B销售 strategy is a roadmap that outlines long-term sales goals, summarises your buyer persona, 以及销售部门需要遵循的流程,以实现预设的收入目标. 这是为了通知你的销售团队,帮助他们找到合适的目标公司和个人, convert leads and ultimately win over new business. So it should include a lot more than your yearly revenue goals.

Your sales strategy is an extension of your overarching business strategy. 商业战略描述了未来几年的长期计划,描述了公司当前的定位、总体增长和利润目标. 销售策略列出了如何在销售部门内实现这些收入目标.

How does a sales strategy differ from a marketing strategy?

Marketing and sales teams are two major drivers within any company, and the two departments must work together for company growth. 然而, each team has their own set of goals and responsibilities.

营销策略解释了你将如何接触到你的目标受众,并为推广你的核心信息设定了方向, building interest in your brand, and increasing your reach.

销售策略描述了如何将潜在客户和潜在客户转化为付费客户. 除了产品或服务定位和竞争对手分析之外,它还包括针对不同买家角色的不同销售策略.

6 steps to setting up your own B2B销售 strategy

制定你的第一个B2B销售策略需要大量的研究和分析. 然而,一旦它就位,它就是一个可以年复一年轻松更新的文档. 它给你的销售团队一个清晰的蓝图,告诉他们应该瞄准什么以及如何去做.

But how do you get started? Build a solid sales strategy by following these 6 key steps.

1. Identify your B2B销售 goals

Before you can effectively sell your product or service, you need a vision of what you’re trying to accomplish. This is where sales goals come into play. 他们为你的销售策略提供方向,并为你的团队工作指明方向.

然而, sales goals shouldn’t be randomly set. 要设定切合实际的销售目标,首先要盘点公司的资源. How big are your sales and marketing teams? Do you have tools in place to move leads through your 销售管道 自动完成任务? 将这些信息与过去的销售数据(如赢得和失去的机会以及每个潜在客户的成本)结合起来.

基于这些事实,制定长期目标,比如年度目标和短期目标. 小的目标, such as weekly or monthly targets, 让你的销售代表负起责任,同时通过不断增加的胜利来建立他们的信心.

2. Define your buyer persona

下一个, 通过创建买家角色来确定谁会购买你的产品或服务是很重要的. 因为如果你不知道你的客户是谁,也不知道你可以帮助他们克服哪些挑战, you won’t be able to influence the buying process.

然而,买方角色不仅仅是“洛拉,32岁的供应链经理”。. 这是一个深入的档案,让你了解和同情你的客户. So go beyond demographical information. 相反,了解是什么激励了这些人,是什么让他们沮丧,他们可能有什么样的职业目标. 然后确定你的产品如何帮助潜在客户克服或改善他们目前的地位.

Not sure how to best kick-start this process? 看看如何 define your buyer’s persona in five steps.

3. 分析竞争对手

一旦你知道你的销售对象是谁,你需要确定你的竞争对手. 绘制出当前的市场,并观察你的产品与其他人相比如何. 你的竞争对手的优势和劣势是什么,你和他们有什么不同? And what’s in it for your customers?

这些信息使销售团队能够以一种不同但有意义的方式锁定目标客户. 与此同时,让他们了解为什么潜在客户应该选择你而不是另一家公司. Making them better at their job.

4. 装备你的团队

一个坚实的B2B销售策略只有在你的销售团队有能力并且准备好执行它的时候才能奏效. 因此, 为他们提供适当的培训,并为他们提供成功所需的资源,这一点至关重要.

除了熟悉销售代表的年度和月度销售目标和买家的个人信息, offer them the right tools to maximise their output. 从组织联系信息和自动执行繁琐任务的系统,到识别匿名用户的软件 网站访问者,为您提供免费的后续线索,投资于提高生产力的工具. Making your salespeople's life easier benefits the entire company. After all, their success is your success.

5. Outline a plan of action

With the foundation of your B2B strategy in place, it’s time to take action. 明确你的销售团队需要遵循的活动,以达到你的销售目标.

To do this, break down your B2B销售 cycle. Typically, there are around 六个步骤 involved in this process: lead generation, 领导资格, 最初的接触, 建议, closing and post-purchase follow-up.

基于这个周期,勾勒出与每个阶段相关的渠道、活动和信息. And don’t be afraid to get detailed. For example, will you use 冷的邮件 获得新的线索? Or connect with prospects on Linkedin and nurture them via that platform? 价格建议是通过电子邮件发送,还是面对面进行所有谈判? 你将如何与那些尚未准备好承诺的潜在客户保持联系?

This information can be compiled into one document, called a Sales Playbook. 作为销售团队资源中心的指南,因为它在一个地方包含了所有与销售相关的内容. Boosting your team’s performance while making it easier to train new hires.

6. Use sales KPIs to track progress

With all of the above decided, you can put your strategy into action. But don’t create a nice PDF and forget about it. 而不是, 每年更新你的销售策略以反映新的目标,并定期与你的销售团队核对. Optimise processes and approaches and discuss progress, challenges and new potential sales tactics worth trying.

To better measure your team’s performance throughout the year, implement Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These metrics track success when compared to your goals.

Common sales KPIs include:

  • Number of sales opportunities,
  • Average sales cycle length,
  • Lead to opportunity ratio,
  • Opportunity to win ratio,
  • 平均购买价值;
  • 客户终身价值;
  • 客户流失率;

然而, this list is by no means exhaustive and should be tailored to your company, 目标与销售团队.

6 steps to sales strategy success

为了战略性地发展和建立与潜在客户的关系,你需要一个战略. With some digging and analysing of your current situation and goals, your B2B销售 strategy can take shape in 六个步骤 or less.

With this foundation in place, 你可以不断优化和微调你的销售过程和策略. Enabling your sales reps to perform at their peak.

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