


My first memory of what would become my career started in primary school where I was responsible for wheeling the school’s only BBC Micro computer around from class to class, 在休息时间设置这个供学生使用. 这开启了我对科技的毕生兴趣,这种兴趣一直伴随我到中学, 我在大学里获得了计算机和信息系统的学位,现在在工作中. 

作为一个 .作为一名网络开发人员,我从事过各种各样的项目,包括作为一名网络开发人员为自己工作. I then had a 5-year career in the NHS leading the development for one of the first patient records systems, 允许病人在网上访问他们的医疗信息.   

I saw the Home Office Senior Developer role I applied for online 和 instantly felt it would be a good fit for my background 和 experience.   

My main driver for joining the Home Office was the opportunity to work on projects that make a difference, 就像我在NHS做的那样. Working in a non-profit driven environment removes some constraints as this is about delivering tech for people 和 the machinery of government, 哪个对我来说更重要.   

The Home Office is a large organisation with many opportunities 和 options to move your career forward. 对我来说, it felt like a change of lifestyle in joining a community of like-minded techies where I can discover my niche 和 add value to projects 和 services for the public.   

我在混合酒里工作, multi-disciplinary team of engineers 和 technical specialists supporting an Identity Access system used to protect various applications in the policing space. 这最终有助于每天保护数百万英国公民.  

I could be doing development work one day 和 the next writing Powershell scripts to automate tasks or working in the Cloud configuring a service. 我也参与部门活动,比如招聘.  

我喜欢我职业生涯的开放性. 你并不局限于特定的角色和技术. 这是一个进步的工作场所, 在哪里你可以对不同的技术表现出兴趣, 语言或项目,你会被支持朝着那个方向前进. 你可以说:“我想试试这个”或者“我觉得这个不适合我”。. 这是为了让每个人都发挥出最好的一面, 帮助他们发现自己最能发挥作用的地方. 


有一个明确的职业框架来支持发展, 并鼓励持续的专业发展. 您将获得Safari图书,培训日和硬件,以支持您的日常工作. 


在数码时代工作, 数据与技术 Engineering team you’ll have the opportunity to stretch yourself 和 go down paths that you never considered!   


如果您对我们的高级开发人员职位感兴趣,您可以现在就申请公务员职位. 目前的职位将于6月25日结束.  

Alternatively contact one of our recruiters on LinkedIn to find out more about all the roles on offer: 乔治希尔, Callum汤利。Amra赫尔利.  

了解我们的 本案例中的工程应用过程,并在网站上了解这些职位所涉及的内容以及所提供的福利 家庭办公室求职网站 工程页面.



最新动态:与the Digital合作的特色故事和即将到来的活动, 数据与技术 Team at the Home OfficeRead our blog about how we are becoming more user-centred in our approach to the design 和 delivery of our products 和 services, 同时与其他技术专业人员一起工作, 构建一个复杂的数据驱动产品. To learn more about why it is our goal to find ways of embedding diversity 和 inclusion into our research 和 design practices, 访问我们的博客页面.了解更多十大网博靠谱平台在内政部快递专业工作的情况, 访问我们的博客页面. You can find more stories from the team 和 be the first to hear about upcoming events on our Digital 数据与技术 LinkedIn Life 和 Home Office Careers pages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can read about the professions 和 roles on our careers website. 听听团队的意见。观看视频,听听软件工程师的意见, Charlotte 和 Sulthan within the DDaT Engineering team about the projects their working on 和 how delivering public services at the Home Office can positively impact millions of lives every day.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Home OfficeThe Home Office is the lead government department for immigration 和 passports, 药物政策, 犯罪, 火, 每天都在反恐和维持治安, 我们的工作为英国公民带来成果, 为他们提供周游世界的工具, 打击非法移民,驱逐外籍罪犯, 打击恐怖袭击和有组织犯罪集团, stopping people from becoming victims of 犯罪 和 supporting those who require asylum 和 safeguarding.为了实现这一切,我们依靠具有广泛技能的人才. 这包括数字, 数据和技术技能, 我们在十大网博靠谱平台的团队中招聘哪些人, 谢菲尔德, 格拉斯哥和克罗伊登. Learn more about our work 和 organisation The DDaT Profession Career Framework features over 150 defined roles, 分为9个技能集群-员工通常在快节奏中工作, multi-disciplinary teams: The 9 clusters are: ArchitectureCyber Security Data Engineering IT Operations Product Quality Assurance 和 TestingTechnology Delivery Management User Centred Design Why join Home Office Digital, Data and Technology?Home Office Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) designs, 为其他部门和政府部门建立和发展服务. 我们的角色是通过提高业务效率来实现转换. DDaT功能由大约2,300名工作人员组成,由一些供应商合作伙伴增加. 我们的系统每年支持多达300万份签证申请, 对1亿个过境点进行检查, 多达800万份护照申请,并为1.4亿人提供警察检查, 车辆及财产. 我们的项目规模与我们人民的机会相匹配.我们是一个友好的团队,将支持和挑战你的贡献. 我们的文化包容、进步,重视每个人的独特贡献. 我们的技术策略也很明确:我们在敏捷的以产品和用户为中心的团队中工作, 以云原生和跨学科工作为重点. 数字包容、可访问性和形成跨部门的技术社区也是关键. 我们的主要配送中心在十大网博靠谱平台谢菲尔德, 克罗伊登, 格拉斯哥, 但我们在绍斯波特也有办公室, 西敏寺, 利物浦, 西伦敦和北伦敦. 十大网博靠谱平台的团队位于媒体城边界内的肥皂厂, 距离十大网博靠谱平台市中心1.5英里, 2½ miles away from Manchester Piccadilly station 和 a 2-minute walk from the Exchange Quay tram stop.我们为员工提供一系列福利, 包括出色的养老金计划和对持续专业发展的认真关注. 学习和发展我们为您提供与职位相关的学习和发展机会, 其中可能包括:AWS培训和认证, Azure培训和认证, O 'Reilly Books以及高质量的管理培训, 例如.除了, we offer allocated study leave 和 support when studying for a relevant qualification or other accredited development. 例如,这可能包括BCS会员资格,或攻读学位或硕士资格. 多样性 & 我们致力于代表现代英国的多样性, 营造欢迎氛围, 包容性的劳动力,人们可以全身心投入到工作中. 我们很自豪能成为公务员队伍中种族最多样化的部门之一, 石墙100强职场平等雇主和社会流动基金会75强雇主. 我们致力于招募和留住残疾员工,并成为残疾自信的领导者. 我们的福利为你的年级提供有竞争力的起薪,额外津贴高达13英镑,700 for c和idates with exceptional skills 和 experienceA Civil Service pension with employer contribution rates of between 26.6%和30%.3%, depending on salary A culture encouraging inclusion 和 diversity Learning 和 development tailored to your roleAn environment with flexible working options25 days annual leave on appointment, 服务10年后延长至30天, plus 8 days public holidays 和 1 day additional privilege dayWe also offer:Season ticket loans 和 rental deposit loans Cycle to work 和 payroll givingEmployee discounts - including a huge number of retailers (via the Edenred platform), Microsoft Home Use programme 和 gym membership A variety of staff recognition schemes Health 和 wellbeing initiativesStaff support networksMaternity, 收养或共享育儿假,最长可达26周全薪, followed by 13 weeks of statutory pay 和 a further 13 weeks unpaidUp to 5 days paid leave for volunteeringStudy leave 和 support for studying for a qualification or other accredited development relevant to your role澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台 us 和 make a difference If you’re looking for a digital career where you can make an impact, using cutting edge tech 和 have the opportunity to build your CV with projects that will help you st和 out from the crowd, 查看我们目前提供的可用职位. You can also read our blog to learn more about our people 和 the brilliant work they do 和 follow us on LinkedIn 和 X.

Home Office Digital, Data and Technology

