
These are just a few of life’s greatest mysteries that have racked the brains of Earth’s best minds for years.

One of those questions has actually brought about plenty of answers in recent years. No, we’re not talking about you, Nessie… 

The TikTok algorithm is a powerful thing. It’s what separates your experience on the platform from that of your friend’s, 姐姐的, 还有阿姨邻居的肉店. 

Interesting in learning a little more about the TikTok algorithm and how it actually works? 继续往下读!


The TikTok algorithm determines which videos, 故事, and live videos appear on each user’s “For You Page” (FYP). Every single form of content on the platform is organised and displayed to users based on videos they’ve engaged with in the past, 与他们互动的创造者, 和主题, 标签, 以及他们利用的声音.

No two users are ever going to have the same experience on TikTok. 授予, you could send a video to your best mate and find that they’ve already seen it before, but this doesn’t mean all their videos are like yours, 只有少数几个. 

You’ll often hear people saying they made it onto “FoodTok”, “PetTok”, “GymTok”, 还有很多其他的东西, but this is effectively a way of saying that your FYP is flooded with videos relating to those topics. This is the algorithm working to serve you videos based on previous ones you’ve engaged with and ones it thinks you’d like.



TikTok is designed to be as personal to you as possible, and it’s constantly working on getting you back onto the app every day to continue your never-ending scrolling. All of your interactions influence your experience, 包括:

  • Videos you like, comment on, and share
  • 您关注的账户
  • 你添加到你最喜欢的视频
  • 您隐藏或阻止的创建者
  • 点击“不感兴趣”的视频
  • 标签 you tap on and add to your favourites
  • 听起来 you tap on and add to your favourites
  • 你发布的内容

You may find it odd that some of the biggest creators on the platform will never appear on your screen, but it’s a simple thing to explain. If you’ve never engaged with creators like Charli D’Amelio, Khaby跛, 和扎克·金, or liked videos related to the content they post, then they won’t appear on your FYP.

话虽如此, it is quite bizarre that some users will never see videos by creators with over 100 million followers, but it just shows how integral the algorithm is to every TikTokers experience.


TikTok will take information from your device to deliver you content based on a variety of factors, 包括:

  • 设备类型
  • 设备的位置
  • 设备的语言 
  • Categories of interest you selected as a user on your first sign-up

简单地说, if your device is registered in England and your primary device language is English, a very large majority of the videos you see will be in this language, and plenty of them will feature England within the content.

虽然, if you start interacting with Spanish-speaking creators, you’ll most likely be served with other Spanish-speaking users on your FYP. 你可以, 在某种程度上, influence the language in which your videos will appear, but much of it is determined by your actual device’s location.


There are plenty of things creators can do to ensure their videos appear on your FYPs. Video information helps TikTok to rank certain pieces of content. 这些影响包括:

  • 标签
  • 听起来
  • 影响 & 过滤器
  • 热门内容
  • 标题
  • 视频长度

Trending 标签 and sounds are potentially the two biggest out of the above, with many users accompanying their videos with particular 标签 and songs to ensure they reach the eyes of millions.

The 标签 people use don’t even necessarily have to match the video, as long as they’re hidden within the “see more” section of the caption (honestly, 谁会在抖音上点击这个?).

好了! Our deep dive into what the TikTok algorithm is and how it works. Are you in the mood for a brand-new, insanely funny and clever TikTok account to follow? 来看看我们!

