
8 Methods to Build Brand Authority Using Content Marketing

Maybe you’ve heard of the term ‘category king’ already, but if you haven’t, it basically means the business that dominates an industry. So for example when you think of smartphones, your mind probably thinks of Apple. Or when you go to use a search engine, you’ll probably use Google. In fact, we even use ‘Google’ as a verb nowadays! 这是因为他们为建立品牌权威和建立受众信任所做的工作. Whilst your service or product might be outstanding, 如果你不能通过你所创造的内容获得信任,消费者甚至不会接近你的品牌.

So, how can you build brand authority using content marketing? 在这个博客中, 我们将讨论8种相对容易实施的方法,它们将增加你从努力中看到的结果.

1. Create your own data

Data is attractive to your audience. How much money did people save by using your service? How is the industry moving in a way that makes your product more necessary than ever? Because generating statistics by conducting your own studies is a bit harder to do, 创建与您的行业相关的最新数据是增加您的内容的反向链接数量的有效方法,因为您的受众会分享并信任您的工作. 虽然它产生反向链接,你的品牌也被称为一个权威的来源, so it really is a win-win. 像 哇公司, an accountancy and financial services business, do this really successfully with their uk agency benchmark reports. 这份年度报告包含了公司通过深入研究得出的数页统计数据, shows off their skills and services, 并产生链接回到他们的网站,以及在社交媒体上的一般品牌知名度. It also helps the company collect contact information for their target demographic. 正如你所看到的,创建数据报告是提升品牌权威的一种非常有效的方法.

2. Be where your audience look for advice

Where do you look for news? 作为一名营销人员, 也许你喜欢关注你每天使用的工具的社交媒体账户,比如SEMrush或Hubspot. Maybe as an agency owner, you listen to specific podcasts from other owners who have built successful startups. The way you consume content is individual to you, and it’s really not one size fits all when it comes to content. 所以,为什么不问问你现有的客户,他们会去哪里寻求产品或服务的建议呢? 有了这些信息,你就可以开始把你的内容定位在对你的品牌声誉有积极影响的地方.

在你的听众认为值得信赖的网站上写博客或出席网络研讨会和播客,对建立品牌权威有很长的路要走. 额外的时间和费用来实现这些目标肯定比在你的目标客户永远不会去的网站上放置更多的内容来帮助他们做出购买决定更有价值.

3. Make your content stand out with graphic design

Even the greatest content ideas in the world can be really hindered by poor graphic design. Graphic design influences us literally every day from the cover of a book we pick up, the graphic used to advertise a new show on Netflix, the labels on your green smoothies and so much more. It’s the same when it comes to content. 将你精心设计的内容包装在糟糕的图形设计中会破坏你的结果,因为更多的人会简单地跳过你的图像广告设计或电子书封面. It’s not just less clicks to consider, 但事实上,凌乱的图形设计会对你的品牌权威产生负面影响. 适当地投资于平面设计将意味着你的品牌可以创造一个视觉识别,以配合你的专业精神,并将提高你的品牌权威.

4. Invite respected guest bloggers

Not only can you show up where your audience is searching, 但是你可以通过邀请那些对你的品牌内容感兴趣的人来为你的品牌写博客来吸引你的目标人群. If you’re struggling to find people to guest blog, 考虑一下采访式的博客,这种博客需要较少的工作量,但仍然是一种有效的方式,可以让更多的面孔和观点进入你的内容,提高品牌权威.

5. Offer a variety of content formats

扩大你在内容策略中包含的格式范围将使你的品牌更容易被更广泛的受众所接受. When your content gets more reach and engagement, your brand authority is increased. 使用多种内容格式有助于增加受众可以参与和分享的内容量. Here’s a list of example content formats to help inspire you:

  • Ebooks/Whitepapers
  • 旋转木马的帖子
  • 博客
  • 电子邮件通讯
  • 播客
  • 在线研讨会
  • 视频内容
  • Instagram卷 & 故事

6. Create valuable content that isn’t made to sell

想象一下,如果每次你和朋友说话,他们在谈话结束时都要求你为他们正在销售的服务或产品付钱. Would you be friends with that person for very long? Whilst that’s a very basic example, 它确实帮助我们看到,如何在品牌和消费者之间建立关系,需要的不仅仅是用推销来轰炸消费者. To create the most engaged audience of people, 确保提供的内容能够回答他们的问题,并提供价值,而不是总是以推销结束. 实践这种方法意味着你的受众会一次又一次地回到你的品牌,因为他们认为你是你所在领域的专家,当他们需要你的产品或服务时, they’ll trust your brand enough to convert with very few questions asked.

7. Build up high-quality backlinks

建立高质量的反向链接是你让谷歌知道你的品牌在你的领域是权威的方式, so making time for that within your content strategy is important. 建立反向链接的最好方法是让你的内容有机地获得链接, which can only be done by working hard to create outstanding content pieces. 另一种方法是积极主动地为高域名权威网站提供客座博客,甚至是图形设计,这些网站可以链接到你的网站. The higher number of backlinks to your site, the better all of your content will perform and the higher your site will rank. 这样做的结果是,你的受众会看到更多优秀的内容,获得更多的品牌权威.

8. Distribute, distribute, distribute that content!

Once you’ve worked hard to create that content, 记住,你永远拥有它,并继续重新分发,以确保每一条内容都有进一步的影响. 与大量的劣质内容相比,努力工作,多花一点时间来制作原创内容,可以帮助你更快地提升你的品牌权威. 再分配意味着你可以为我们的观众提供更多的内容,而无需投入更多的工作, so it’s a logical way to get better results from your strategy. For more tips on how to redistribute content, read this Design Cloud blog.

我们希望这篇文章能激励你仔细审视你的内容策略,并寻找更多的方法来让你的品牌成为目标人群的首选. For more marketing and graphic design resources, take a look at the full Design Cloud blog page here.

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