

A secret that helps you work better, quicker, smarter?


These are people who use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to make their jobs easier.


你可能觉得难以置信,但是 大约85%的在职专业人士可以 做“秘密的半机械人”.

They've discovered AI tools that can do parts of their jobs.



根据 伊桑·莫里克,沃顿商学院教授,这是一个很大的困境.

He calls it the "Do I Tell My Boss 十大网博靠谱平台 AI" Dilemma.

Just like a secret shortcut on your daily commute, many workers don't want to share their AI secret.

They worry they might lose their jobs if their bosses find out.

They worry they might get into trouble for using AI without permission.

They also believe that the value of AI comes from people not knowing they are using it.


After all, if you found a faster, easier way to do your job, wouldn't you want to tell your boss?

But, if telling your boss might cost you your job, you'd probably keep it a secret too.

"Elle" (Not real name), 24, Junior Digital Marketing Executive

"Oh, 就像小孩子在糖果店一样," Elle chuckles when asked about her 'secret cyborg' status. “我觉得不告诉老板有点不礼貌, but I'm simply using all the tools at my disposal to perform better. ChatGPT has been a real game-changer for me; it helps me create catchy ad copy for our Facebook campaigns. Canva AI is another tool I love; it effortlessly generates images that resonate with our target audience."

"But there's this tiny voice in the back of my mind asking, “如果他们认为任何算法都能做我的工作怎么办??'. It's a constant balancing act, trying to outperform while preserving my indispensability. 也, I'm a bit worried if they'd question the originality of my work since I'm getting a little help from Bing AI for my dissertation research."


罗斯, a confident and straightforward professional in the chemical consulting industry, 从不回避分享自己的经历. “看,在咨询界,时间就是金钱. 萤火虫.ai has been invaluable, transcribing meeting notes so I can focus on the actual conversation. 我在人工智能中找到了一个助手,它在ClickUp中. 它改变了我管理团队的方式. 和美丽的.ai? Oh, it saves me hours on building client presentations."

“然而,我总是在考虑假设. What if they find out I'm using AI and consider my skills redundant? 这是一个奇怪的地方. I'm not doing anything wrong; I'm only maximizing my efficiency. But until there's a clear company stance on this, I guess my AI toolset will remain my secret sauce."


Ahmed, a thoughtful and quiet creative, offers his perspective with a smile. “作为一名自由职业者,你是自己的老板. But, I still feel this cheeky thrill using ChatGPT to brainstorm video ideas and make storyboards. 就好像有一个隐藏的联合导演在协助我."

“然而,这并非没有担忧. I sometimes fear that these AI tools might replace creative roles like mine. But for now, they are my invisible crew, and I'm more than happy to let them take some credit... 只要这是我们的小秘密."

The thing is, this secrecy doesn't just affect the 'secret cyborgs'.


If everyone is keeping their AI tools a secret, the company misses out.

Companies can't take advantage of these tools if they don't know about them.



First, companies need to acknowledge that anyone can contribute to the AI agenda.



Second, companies need to reassure workers that they won't get into trouble for using AI.

They need to create an environment where employees feel safe using and talking about AI.

Third, companies should reward those who bring forward AI solutions that benefit the business.


At the AI Leadership Lab Meetup Group, we believe in this strategy.



And we want to help companies in Manchester benefit from the power of AI.

This silent revolution is happening right now, right here in Manchester!

We're inviting professionals from all levels to join us on the 29th June for the first North West AI and ChatGPT User Group.

无论你是一名高管, 部门经理, 或者一个有抱负的领导者, 这个小组是给你的.

澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台 us today and be a part of this exciting journey!

在一起, 我们可以驾驭人工智能的世界, 分享真实案例研究, and find the best ways to integrate AI into our workflows.



And it's time to bring the 'secret cyborgs' into the spotlight.

Because, as it turns out, we're all a little bit 'cyborg'.


Get your space at our upcoming meeting on 29th June in Preston here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/north-west-ai-and-chatgpt-user-group-open-evening-connect-share-learn-tickets-655207632667

