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But in most cases, 让投资者做好准备通常更多的是十大网博靠谱平台你和你的公司,而不是投资者, 市场或外部时机与你的预期相符.

然而,要真正做好投资者的准备,并确切地知道你的投资者在寻找什么,就需要了解不同基金的运作方式, how your investor is expecting to make their ROI, 微观和宏观经济是如何影响市场的?如何把握好时机,不仅适合自己,也适合你即将进入的更广阔的市场.

Join us at 4pm on 26th March 2024 在Startup Activator的“深入了解投资小组”中,我们将投资者和企业家聚集在一起,为早期创业公司的创始人揭开投资世界的神秘面纱.

小组讨论汇集了来自不同领域的投资专家, including seasoned Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists, Private Equity professionals, 以及成功的创业公司创始人,帮助他们了解投资的复杂性, shedding light on the mechanics of funding, 周期性事件和更广泛的经济因素对投资决策的影响.




Charing the Panel:

Adam Mitchenson, CEO & Co-Founder of My2be

Kate Longsworth - CEO of Gaia Learning

Kate Longworth is the CEO of Gaia Learning, and marketing entrepreneur across Education and Tech; having partnered with the NHS, 地方当局和大学了解学习者在教育中的经验. Kate's daughter has Pathological Demand Avoidance.

Jess Jackson - Investment Manager, Praetura Ventures

Jess has extensive experience supporting businesses, 包括在Praetura Ventures,她负责识别和管理我们的EIS增长基金和GMC生命科学基金的投资机会.

As well as having a passion for social impact companies, Jess is a founding member of Fund Her North, a collective which champions investment opportunities for women. Prior to joining Praetura, Jess worked at GC Angels, overseeing fund deployment into a wide range of businesses.

Ciaran Rawcliffe, Investment Analyst at Sure Valley Ventures

Based in Manchester, Ciaran以经济学一级荣誉学位毕业后,于2021年澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台SVV团队. 曾就现代技术指标与投资者策略之间的联系撰写论文, he has a personal background in tech and investment, as well as a keen eye for detail. 

Jordan Dargue, Co-Founder of Lifted ventures

Jordan Dargue, a visionary senior executive, 作为董事会董事和天使投资人,她以无与伦比的多元化热情彻底改变了投资格局, innovation finance and a proven track record of success. 

约旦在投资领域产生了重大影响, 她在帮助中小企业获得早期融资方面的成就得到了认可.

As the former co-leader, Director and Board Member of NorthInvest, as well as co-founder of Fund Her North, 她是北方女性天使的创始人,这是一个天使集团,她将其发展到50名女性,以支持和支持女性创始人.  Jordan has led multi million equity-based investment rounds, 建立了屡获殊荣的投资者网络,并支持数以千计的中小企业筹集投资. 

Jordan最近共同创立了lift Ventures,以支持不同类型的企业家获得早期投资.

lift Angels是一个天使和联合投资者网络,旨在解决伦敦以外的各种企业家缺乏资金的问题, promoting the business benefits to backing female founders. 


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26 March 2024 16:00 - 18:00
十大网博靠谱平台科技孵化器广场,牛津路,十大网博靠谱平台M1 7ED

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